The Legend of the Poets


In the historical context of the Republic of Amalfi and the Duchy of Amalfi, when the territory of the ancient duchy was dismembered and granted as a feud to members of the nobility of the Kingdom of Naples, several families and noblemen alternated in power, including Queen Sancia of Majorca, who in 1304 became the bride of Robert of Anjou.

It is said that Queen Sancia, who was very devout, used to frequent convents of monks and nuns near the Angevin castles. In the convent of nuns near the hamlet of Sigliano di Gragnano, she was most frequent. Here, it seems, the noblewoman Donna Carmela Colonna kept her company.
The noblewoman Carmela Colonna, educated at the court of Queen Sancha, was married to the knight Angelo Palummo, a captain in the service of the Angevin king.
From the union of the two, Ida was born and married to Michele Chierchia, a knight belonging to the Piccolomini family, the new feudal lords and promoters of cultural meetings that took place on the Lattari Mountains and in the Sorrento Peninsula.
Over the generations, the family formed a friendship with Tasso, who lived in Sorrento, and Margherita Sarrocchi, a poetess born in Gragnano, author of the epic poem 'La Scanderbeide' and a frequent visitor to the Galilei house in Rome.
For his heroic deeds and religious devotion, Angelo Palummo was remembered in the feud as the Knight Santangelo.
In honour of this legend, the Santangelo Resort wanted to recall the legends and dynastic tales of its territory, dedicating the name of its restaurant, I Poeti, to the regional poetic tradition.

Orazio - satire

"E poi il vino, messo per un po' da parte, fa posto alla frutta.
Ora tocca a noci, a fichi a datteri secchi,
a pugne, a mele profumate in larghi canestri,
a grappoli d'uva raccolti da viti purpuree.
Al centro un candido favo."


Eneide, libro III

" Già dechinava il sole, e crescean l'ombre
de' monti opachi, quando a terra vòlti
col desire e co' remi in su la riva
pur n'adducemmo, e procurammo a' corpi
cibo, riposo e sonno."


Franco Sorvillo - Pullecenella

"A sotto a chesta maschera
ce sta 'a miseria nera'...
'A sotto a chesta veste janca
ce stà ggente ca è stanca
è luttà tutt'è juorne,
ca nun se piglia scuorno
pe nu piatto è maccarune.
Sò furbo cu è nfamune
onestu cu ò puveriello.
M' acalo, me chiejo,
me saccio ascì ò scartiello...
Ma pò, quanno dich'io,
me saccio fà cchiù bello!...
Nisciuna femmina resiste
a stu Pullecenella.
'E pasta, pizza e pane cavuro
me faccio n'abbuffata.
Si ò vino è genuino?
Chi è cchiù meglio e me!...
M'ò bbevo ncumpagnia
e po' jammo a cantà. "


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